
2 min readDec 12, 2020



As of January 2020, over 1.7 million people lose their packages every day in the US. Imagine waiting for something you wanted for over 2 weeks, and it gets damaged or stolen. We’re here to change that. PackaDrone is a revolutionizing company that lets you get your packages delivered using a drone. Now what are the benefits of getting your packages delivered by a drone? Well, there’s a few that you might have not thought of. First of all the security is horrible right now! I mean your packages just get stolen and people just give up on finding it. Using our advanced security systems, you can count on getting your package back. Our drones have AI facial recognition systems so the drones get delivered to the right person. You can put multiple faces so the drone can allow your family, friends or more to open it. Our blockchain network allows us to keep your receipts and information safe without it being stolen. Second, most drone deliveries right now are super unreliable. The drones crash, the packages fall, and the drones lose battery quickly. Our drones fix all of those issues, so you can rely on us. Third, we are using AI to also ensure your packages get delivered to the right place. PackaDrone also utilizes biometrics to scan your face when you pick your object up to ensure that it’s you. It is also very easy to track packages with the app and the website using a Google Maps API. This is PackaDrone.

